Trick for solving input-output questions faster #2

In the previous post about input-output problems, we discuss about arranging the given numbers according to ascending or descending order.
Input Output Problems Trick:

Arranging the given words/alphabets according to dictionary

Now here is an example for this type of question
Q:- study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Input-   Sherry went to market and came back.
Step-1-                 went sherry to market and came back.
Step-2- went to sherry market and came back.
Step-3- went to sherry market came and back.
Step-4- went to sherry market came back and.
Now step 4 is the last step. Based on the above arrangement, find out the following steps for the given input.
Q: 1. Input- roni and soni are best friends
Which will be the last step for the above input based on the arrangement given above.
First understand this series
Ascending series- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Descending order- zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
Let us first understand the arrangement given in the input steps 1-4.
 So look at the arrangement of the given input steps 1-4 how they are arranged.
Here in these question, words are arranged according to the first letter of the word.
As per the question, the words are arranged according to their positions in the alphabet series. First look at the last step in the question whether the words are arranged ascending order in the alphabet series or descending order in the alphabet series. You will easily figure out that the words are arranged in descending order in the above arrangement of
went to sherry market came back and
the first letter of word ‘went’  which is  ‘w’ is at 23 position in the alphabet series. So went is put first.
Write down ‘went’and then write all the other words after it.
‘Went sherry to market and came back’
Now find that word’s first letter which comes second to ‘w’ in the input. The letter will be ‘t’ and the word will be ‘to’. So the second step will be to put the word ‘to’ after went. So put the word to after went. The arrangement becomes
‘Went to sherry market and came back’………………..(1)
Now find which letter came after ‘t’ in the given question input. The letter will be ‘s’ and the word will be sherry. But since sherry is already after ‘to’ , we don’t need to change its position and so no step needed to put ‘sherry’ after ‘to’.
Now look after the letter which comes after ‘s’( in descending series in alphabet series) in the given question input. The letter in the given question input will be ‘m’ and the word will be ‘market’. But since market is already after sherry (see in (1) above). So we don’t need to make a step for market.
Now look after that letter which comes after market in the given question input. The letter is ‘c’ and the word is ‘came’. Since came is given after ‘and’ so we need to make a step for it.
‘Went to sherry market came and back’
Now since ‘back’ word’s ‘b’ needs to come before ‘and’ , so we have to make a step for that and that will be our last step to solve these types of questions.
‘Went to sherry market came back and’
So the given question is solve like the steps shown above.
So if you understand the concept of input output questions then solve the questions-1 given above  by your self.
I am also giving solution to the above question below.
Input- roni and soni are best friends
We have to find out the last step of the arrangement.
Step-1   soni roni and are best friends
Step-2   soni roni friends and are best
Step-3   soni roni friends best and are
Step-4 soni roni friends best are and
So this part is clear now .
This article is originally published by

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