List of Difficult words / Commonly Misspelled words in English

Here is the list of Difficult words of English which are Commonly misspelled. This list will help you in your preparation for SSC, IBPS, SBI & Other competitive exams. In most of these competitive exams, few questions are asked on commonly misspelled words from a list of options. One among that list, there is a word which have spelling error in it.
Candidate have to find that right word among those wrong spelt words. Only a candidate who have better vocabulary can give right answer to all those questions. But with some hard work, a candidate a score these marks. Here we are providing a large collection of words including some misspelled words from previous exams. Those candidates who want to prepare better for competitive exams, should check out the list given below.

List of Difficult words / Collection of Commonly misspelled words in English

Important Advice –

Those Friends, who areĀ a little weak in English, should read English Newspaper like The Hindu daily to have a better grip on English language. This will held them in increasing their marks in this section.

The below given list have right spelt words of English. Variation of these words can be asked in competitive exams.

  • Accommodate
  • acquire
  • acquit
  • amateur
  • apparent
  • argument
  • atheist
  • believe
  • bellwether
  • daiquiri
  • definite
  • discipline
  • drunkenness
  • committed
  • Reverberation
  • conscience
  • conscientious
  • Lachrymose
  • Loquacious:
  • Mannered
  • immediate
  • Remarkable
  • independent
  • indispensable
  • pedestrian
  • inoculate
  • intelligence
  • jewelry
  • kernel
  • leisure
  • liaison
  • maintenance
  • memento
  • Believe
  • Achieve
  • Aggrieved
  • Fierce
  • Relieve
  • Chief
  • Hygiene
  • Deceive
  • Deceit
  • Laboratory
  • Conceive
  • Misconceive
  • Perceive
  • Preconceived
  • Receive
  • Budget
  • Budgeted
  • Inherit
  • Advertise
  • Inherited
  • Occurred
  • Committed
  • Compelled
  • Occasion
  • Accommodation
  • Committee
  • Unparalleled
  • Manoeuvre / Maneuver (US)
  • Consummation
  • Languor
  • Bungalow
  • Conscience
  • Definitely
  • Bureau
  • Reclamation
  • Commit
  • Committed
  • Admit
  • Admitted
  • Refer
  • Referred
  • Chilly
  • Wilful
  • Skilful
  • Referred
  • Indispensable
  • Minuscule
  • Mischievous
  • Misspell
  • Neighbour
  • Entrepreneur
  • Noticeable
  • Occasionally
  • occurrence
  • Pastime
  • Perseverance
  • Personnel
  • Possession
  • principal/principle
  • Privilege
  • Presbyterian
  • pronunciation
  • abundance
  • publicly
  • Questionnaire
  • Recommend
  • Connoisseur
  • Referred
  • Preference
  • Reference
  • Restaurant
  • Remark
  • Innocent
  • absence
  • accommodate
  • achieve
  • acquire
  • across address
  • advertise
  • advice
  • esquamulose
  • smaragdine
  • among
  • apparent
  • athlete
  • awful
  • balance
  • basically
  • becoming
  • address
  • advice
  • Schedule
  • all right
  • arctic
  • beginning
  • believe
  • bicycle
  • broccoli
  • bureau
  • conscientious
  • Preference
  • Reference
  • correspondence
  • department
  • development
  • difference
  • difficult
  • disappointed
  • discipline
  • embarrass
  • calendar
  • camaraderie
  • ceiling
  • cemetery
  • changeable
  • conscientious
  • conscious
  • decease
  • deceive
  • definite
  • descent
  • desperate
  • device
  • disastrous
  • ecstasy
  • embarrass
  • exercise
  • fascinate
  • February
  • fiery
  • fluorescent
  • foreign
  • government
  • grateful
  • guarantee
  • harass
  • height
  • humorous
  • independent
  • jealous
  • jewelry
  • judgment
  • ketchup
  • knowledge
  • leisure
  • library
  • license
  • maintenance
  • mathematics
  • mediocre
  • millennium
  • miniature
  • miscellaneous
  • privilege
  • pumpkin
  • raspberry
  • receive
  • rhythm
  • sacrilegious
  • science
  • scissors
  • separate
  • sincerely
  • special
  • thorough
  • through
  • truly
  • until
  • Wednesday
  • weird
  • absence
  • acknowledge
  • acquaintance
  • aggressive
  • allegiance
  • atheist
  • Calendar
  • camouflage
  • Caribbean
  • colleague
  • collectible
  • Column
  • committed
  • Committee
  • congratulate
  • conscientious
  • conscious
  • consensus
  • controversy
  • coolly
  • daiquiri
  • definitely
  • desperate
  • dilemma
  • disappoint
  • disastrous
  • embarrass
  • equipment
  • exhilarate
  • fascinating
  • fluorescent
  • guarantee
  • Humane
  • harassment
  • Hierarchy
  • hygiene
  • hypocrisy/hypocrite
  • ignorance
  • indispensable
  • intelligence
  • leisure
  • liaison
  • Maintenance
  • medieval
  • millionaire
  • billionaire
  • accomplish
  • achievement
  • acquire
  • address
  • advertisement
  • millennium
  • miniature
  • minuscule
  • mischievous
  • occurrence
  • occurred
  • outrageous
  • parliament
  • perseverance
  • personnel
  • plagiarize
  • playwright
  • possession
  • potatoes
  • precede
  • presence
  • principle
  • privilege
  • professor
  • promise
  • pronunciation
  • quarantine
  • questionnaire
  • recommend
  • reference
  • religious
  • secretary
  • sergeant
  • tomatoes
  • tomorrow
  • twelfth
  • tyranny
  • underrate
  • until
  • upholstery
  • vacuum
  • vicious
  • whether
  • absence
  • acceptable
  • accessible
  • accommodation
  • advice (noun)
  • advise (verb)
  • amateur
  • apartment
  • appearance
  • attendance
  • campaign
  • characteristic
  • cigarette
  • commitment
  • completely
  • condemn
  • conscience
  • encouragement
  • enemy
  • entirely
  • environment
  • mischievous
  • misspell
  • mysterious
  • necessary
  • neighbor
  • nuclear
  • occasion
  • occurrence
  • odyssey
  • piece
  • pigeon
  • playwright
  • precede
  • prejudice
  • especially
  • exaggerate
  • excellent
  • existence
  • experience
  • experiment
  • familiar
  • February
  • financial
  • foreign
  • formerly
  • general
  • generally
  • genius
  • government
  • grammar
  • guarantee
  • noticeable
  • nowadays
  • obediently
  • obstacle
  • occasional
  • occurred
  • official
  • opinion
  • opportunity
  • opposition
  • happily
  • height
  • heroes
  • humorous
  • hypocrite
  • ideally
  • imaginary
  • immediate
  • incredible
  • independent
  • influential
  • insurance
  • intelligent
  • interference
  • interrupt
  • introduce
  • jealous
  • jealousy
  • legitimate
  • luxurious
  • maintenance
  • manageable
  • management
  • manufacture
  • marriage
  • millionaire
  • misspell
  • mischievous
  • mysterious
  • necessary
  • neighbor / neighbour
  • peculiar
  • perceive
  • performance
  • permanent
  • personal
  • personnel
  • physical
  • physician
  • possession
  • possible
  • possibility
  • potatoes
  • practically
  • prefer
  • privilege
  • professor
  • professional
  • pronounce / pronunciation
  • psychology
  • psychological
  • Adamant
  • Animistic
  • Bellicose
  • Contumacious
  • Rebellious
  • Scrupulous
  • Malicious
  • Efficacious
  • Effulgent
  • Egregious
  • Conspicuous
  • Endemic
  • questionnaire
  • queue
  • quizzes
  • realistic
  • realize
  • Judicious
  • Pendulous
  • Pernicious
  • Pervasive
  • Petulant
  • Platitudinous
  • Resembling
  • Precipitate
  • Propitious
  • Comely
  • Concomitant
  • really
  • receipt
  • receive
  • Prevalent
  • Equanimous
  • Detestable
  • Fastidious
  • Meticulous
  • Guileless
  • Gustatory
  • Auspicious
  • Advantageous
  • Puckish
  • Querulous
  • Quiescent
  • Rebarbative
  • Recalcitrant
  • Redolent
  • religion
  • religious
  • remember
  • representative
  • restaurant
  • remarkable
  • rhythm
  • ridiculous
  • roommate
  • sacrifice
  • safety
  • scared
  • scenery
  • schedule
  • secretary
  • sentence
  • separate
  • similar
  • sincerely
  • strength
  • surprise
  • suspicious
  • success
  • successful
  • technical
  • technique
  • temperature
  • temporary
  • themselves
  • undoubtedly
  • autochthonous
  • prospicience
  • logorrhea
  • unforgettable
  • Laodician
  • lukewarm
  • euonym
  • vivisepulture
  • spoliator
  • elucubrate
  • Salubrious
  • Sartorial
  • Sclerotic
  • Serpentine
  • Spasmodic
  • Intermittent
  • Strident
  • Taciturn
  • Tenacious
  • Cohesive
  • Tremulous
  • Trenchant
  • Turbulent
  • Tempestuous
  • Turgid
  • Pompous
  • Ubiquitous
  • Pervasive
  • Uxorious
  • compliant
  • Verdant
  • Voluble
  • Manoeuvre
  • voracious
  • ravenous
  • insatiable
  • Wheedling
  • flattering
  • eudaemonic
  • Rhadamanthine
  • Risible
  • Ruminative
  • Sagacious
  • Withering
  • Zealous
  • recognize
  • recommend
  • absence
  • beginning
  • believe
  • benefit breathe
  • brilliant
  • business
  • calendar
  • careful
  • ceiling
  • cemetery
  • certain
  • chief
  • citizen
  • coming
  • competition
  • convenience
  • criticize
  • definite
  • deposit
  • describe
  • desperate
  • difference
  • dilemma
  • disappear
  • disappoint
  • discipline
  • embarrass
  • environment
  • equipped
  • exaggerate
  • Excellent
  • except
  • exercise
  • existence
  • expect
  • experience
  • experiment
  • explanation
  • familiar
  • fascinating
  • foreign
  • Quarrelsome
  • Calamitous
  • Caustic
  • Sarcastic
  • Cerulean
  • Heuristic
  • Histrionic
  • Incendiary
  • Inflammatory
  • Spontaneously
  • Insidious
  • Treacherous
  • Insolent
  • Contemptuous
  • Intransigent
  • Inveterate
  • Obnoxious
  • Irksome
  • Accompany
  • Fundamental
  • generally
  • government
  • grammar
  • guarantee
  • calendar
  • category
  • cemetery
  • changeable
  • collectible
  • column
  • acceptable
  • accidentally
  • Generous
  • Nefarious
  • Noxious
  • Obtuse
  • Parsimonious
  • conscious
  • Mendacious
  • Meretricious
  • Whorish
  • Pretentious
  • Minatory
  • Mordant
  • Munificent
  • dumbbell
  • embarrassment
  • equipment
  • exhilarate
  • exceed
  • existence
  • experience
  • fiery
  • foreign
  • gauge
  • grateful
  • guarantee
  • harass
  • height
  • hierarchy
  • humorous
  • Ignorance

All the best for your exams.

This article is originally published by

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