List of Important Inventions & Inventors

Here is the list of Important Inventions & their scientist names i.e. Inventors. In many competitive exams, questions in inventions / inventors are asked. This will help you in your preparation for those tests. Remember this list for your exams preparation.

Invention: Inventor

  • Air Conditioning: Carrier
  • Air Plane (Jet Engine): Whittle
  • Ball Point Pen: John Loud
  • Bacteria: Leeuwenhock
  • Bicycle: Macmillan
  • Bicycle tyre: Dunlop
  • Barometer: Torricelli
  • Camera: Zeiss
  • Carburettor: Daimler
  • Cement: Joseph Aspdin
  • Cinema: Nicolas Lumiere & Edison
  • Computer (Original Model): Charles Babbage
  • D.D.T.: D. Paul Muller
  • Diesel Engine: Rudolf Diesel
  • Dynamo: Michael Faraday
  • Electric Current, Induction of: Michael Faraday
  • Electric Lamp: Edison
  • Electrons: J.J.Thomson
  • Evolution, Theory: Charles Darwin
  • Fountain Pen: Waterman
  • Four Stroke Engine: Nikolaus Lotto
  • Galvanometer: Sweigger
  • Gas Engine: Diamler
  • Helicopter: Broquet
  • Jet Propulsion, Jet Engine: Frank Whittle
  • Laser: Charles Townes
  • Locomotive: Richard Travithick
  • Machine gun: James Puckle
  • Motor Car: Austin
  • Microphone: Berliner
  • Neutron: Chadwick
  • Nuclear Fission: Otto Hahn
  • Polythene: Fawcett
  • Pressure Cooker: Dennis Papin Robert Boyle.
  • Radar: Robert Watson Watt
  • Radio signals: G.Marconi
  • Refrigerator: Harrison & Catlin
  • Revolver: Samuel Colt
  • Sewing Machine: Issac Singer
  • Spectacles: Venice (Italy)
  • Stethoscope: Rene Lainnec & William Stockes.
  • Submarine: Bushell
  • Television: J. L. Baird
  • Transformer: William Stanley
  • TNT: Will Brand
  • Tank (Military): Swinton
  • Telephone: Graham Bell
  • Thermometer: Fahrenheit
  • Telescope: Galileo
  • Telegraph: William Cook
  • Turbine Engine: Charles Parsons
  • Tyre: Dunlop
  • Penicillin: Alexander Fleming
  • Dynamite: Alfred B. Nobel
  • X-ray: Roentgen
  • Vitamin D: F.C. Hopkins
  • Washing Machine: Hurley Machine Co.
  • Watch (winding): Greguet
  • Welding (Electric): Thomson
  • X-ray tube: Coolidge
  • South Pole : Amundson (1912)
  • Positive Electrons: Anderson
  • Galvanometer: Andre-Marie Ampere
  • Transistor: Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain
  • Atomic Structure: Bohr and Rutherford
  • Helicopter: Broquett
  • Clock (pendulum): C. Hugyens
  • Typewriter: C. Sholes
  • Electric Battery: Volta

This will be helping you in increasing your general knowledge.

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